This is my own personal opinion on the top 10 players remaining in the league based on how the played in the last round. This has nothing to do with regular season or the first round of playoffs.
10. Grafic – Atlas Gaming’s Top – 21/17/47 – 4.00 KDA – 53% KP
Grafic was a big part of Atlas’ path to victory against The Ascended. Even during the two games that Atlas lost in their series, Grafic managed to put up decent scores against Fenjamin, who is one of the better players on Ascended. Grafic spent a lot of the early game trying to set up kills on to Fenjamin with the help of Peekaboo, and the games they won involved Grafic getting an early lead top and setting up kills for his team.
9. BlazingPheonix69 – Fiji Air Gaming’s ADC – 28/13/17 – 3.46 KDA – 52% KP
Facing Panda Cub Hugging Club’s bot lane heavy focus, BlazingPheonix managed to put up a pretty good performance playing safe in the bottom lane. While game 2 didn’t go well for Fiji Air Gaming, BlazingPheonix managed to put up the best performance on his team despite a very weak showing from his support during game 2. He put up four very good performances on four different carries, showcasing a large champion pool as well as a strong early laning phase that transitions into strong teamfighting focus as well as good positioning most of the time.
8. ImKingJury – Authority eSports' Support – 11/10/54 – 6.50 KDA – 57% KP
Even while facing the powerhouse that is MS Quints, ImKingJury managed to show up big for his team even while his ADC may not have played the best. ImKingJury played a very good Karma for 3 games going 2-1 that allowed his team to run down caught targets and take successful trades. ImKingJury performed the best by far out of the four remaining supports based on what he had to go against and hopefully he can convert this momentum into a successful outing against A Legendary this week.
7. DIG Baron – Authority eSports’ Jungler – 30/19/44 – 4.05 KDA – 64% KP
Another Authority player that played very well given that they were up against the second seed from Conference A. With Game 2 being his weakest at 4/6/4 he was constantly picking out players throughout this series. His clean Jarvan IV allowed for Authority to take a dominating game 3 win 18-1 allowing for a harsh swing in momentum and a reverse sweep for Authority. DIG Baron picked up many crucial objectives for his team allowing for them to break into MSQ base on baron secures over multiple games. DIG Baron was a key component to Authority’s clutch win and along with ImKingJury, they may be able to make an upset in the Conference A Finals against the first seed A Legendary.
6. EmperorPenguinX – A Legendary’s Jungler – 14/9/38 – 5.78 KDA – 64 % KP
An overall dominating performance by ALG over the 6th seeded Daddies of NA led to great performances by all members of the team. EmperorPenguinX dominated all over the map with his team to give an early lead to each of his lanes, particularly i am murksman. He had plenty of objective control that led to constant advantageous situations for ALG.
5. The Hot Banana – Fiji Air Gaming’s Mid – 23/11/27 - 4.55 KDA – 57% KDA
For all but the last game of the Fiji Air Gaming series, The Hot Banana played Orianna, a champion that he had never showcased in a match before. He ended up finding great success with the champion, allowing for his team to draft around a sound pick that would lead to great teamfights for Fiji Air Gaming. The Hot Banana also showcased Diana, a pick that became fairly well-known after the game against Dark Horizon Academy and continued to play well on it. The expansion of his champion pool could lead to some unexpected picks in Fiji Air Gaming’s future series that may lead to success.
4. Axziel – Fiji Air Gaming’s Jungler - 30/14/32 – 4.43 KDA – 71% KP
Azxiel did a great job during the series of applying pressure to the top and mid lanes as well as contesting neutral objectives with his team. His ability to communicate with his team and take skirmishes brought great success for Fiji Air Gaming early on in their games. From there his objective control and map movement allowed for Fiji to push their lead into a win. Axziel looks to be the backbone of Fiji that allows them to create an early lead and then translate that into dominance mid to late game. I was very close to putting him at 3rd, but the next player has shown that he can be a great addition to his team after role swapping.
3. ATL Peekaboo – Atlas Gaming’s Jungler – 28/23/73 – 4.39 KDA – 78% KP
With the expansion of his champion pool, Peekaboo has evolved into a great jungler after transitioning from the ADC role. He played exceptionally well in his series against Ascended by helping Grafic and Scoob pick up kills to get ahead early against very tough lane opponents. Peekaboo was the main focus in the banning phase for Pandas, but because of his expanded champion pool with the pickup of Sejuani, Jarvan, Olaf, and a scuffed Gragas, he was able to work around that find plenty of success with his picks to pull out a win. While a seemingly good strategy to ban out Peekaboo, it doesn’t look quite as viable after the great outing last week.
2. Crixon – A Legendary’s Mid – 20/6/24 – 7.33 KDA – 54% KP
All of A Legendary performed exceptionally against Daddies of NA, but Crixon showed his prowess on a wide range of champions: Azir, Leblanc, and Orianna. Crixon played very well into Daddies’ arguably best player KubixZesty and showed why he is such a dominant player.
1. i am murksman – A Legendary’s ADC – 23/5/26 – 9.80 KDA – 60% KP
Much like Crixon, murksman smashed his lane playing the best on his team. For a long time murksman has been one of the top players in the league and his performance in this playoff series shows why. He and Sean succeeded in winning the bot lane with the occasional help of EmperorPenguinX. Will continue to perform at the highest level in the league throughout the rest of the playoffs and to me is a clear pick for one of the best players currently still in the league.
Honorable Mentions - These are players who didn't make it to the next round but performed exceptionally well given their circumstances.
trancÈ - A pentakill and two quadra kills against Atlas. You can’t ask much more out of this man who showed dominance with his Miss Fortune and Ezreal picks that demolished in team fights and even won a 1v4 fight.
KubixZesty - While Daddies looked completely outmatched against A Legendary, KubixZesty still had a decent showing against a very tough matchup in Crixon. He looked good in wins, but it sadly wasn’t enough for the underdog team.
GhostofTsushima - A sub for Pandas who ran through Fiji with a dominant performance on Olaf. Played very well each game he had Olaf but fell off a little after Olaf got banned. A great showing from a sub player that allowed success in teamfights with the help of Ghost Panda as well as the rest of his team.