Team Analysis
Panda Cub Hugging Club
Top: You Carry StupiTd
Jungle: ParanoidLuck
Mid: MegaLamb
Bot: Sobchak
Support: Cõsmic (Captain)
It will be safe to say that this team knows how to play together as a unit. Even though they have good enough players to carry from all positions (Except Top), they heavily play around their bot lane. Its rightfully so, Sobchak and Cõsmic really show their knowledge of 2 versus 2 match ups in bot lane. Most of the games these two would be ahead in cs by a good margin if not outright killing their opponents. They seldom lose fights at bot lane, and this shows the trust and experience they have of playing with each other. Their late game shot calls are also of a very high level. Even when they would have a weaker team comp, they would find ways to come back in the game with crisp calls. Even though Panda’s bot lane usually steals the show, it’s not to say that the other members of the team are weak, it’s quite the opposite.
Their top laner “You Stupid Carry” is true team player. He would almost all the time pick for the team rather than try to have a fun lane. Although he is stuck playing the meat shield role for the rest of the team, he tries to do best with what he has. His early game super aggressive play style can get his jungler the lane priority needed to fight for early scuttles and counter ganks. This also leaves him vulnerable to ganks since he has a tendency to be pushed far up in lane without adequate vision. If I had to point out at least a single weak point in this team, it would be You Carry Stupid.
Now, the player that is in my opinion the heart of the team, their jungler, “ParanoidLuck”. I swear it feels like this man can do the Neeko triple clone trick except all three of his clones are real, and he can do this with any jungler he plays. He is constantly in the right place at the right time. Even though their bot lane steals the show with their hyper aggressive play style, ParanoidLuck makes sure You Carry Stupid stays safe top by warding for him and the occasional ganks. He then helps MegaLamb get leads early in the game with his fabulous gank timings. He is also the catalyst that helps their bot lane steamroll the bot lane match up. After learning how important he is for the team, it is only natural that he is the MVP for Panda.
Now to talk about their rock in the mid lane, MegaLamb. He is very skilled at setting up for ganks and knows how to transfer his leads to the side lanes. He usually prefers control mages with hard crowd control and the occasional assassins here and there. His Akali is especially scary, make sure to ban it out or have a counter pick ready or else, he will be the star of that game.
Now to talk about the main dish, the duo, Sobchak and Cõsmic. They always seem to get leads in their lane no matter the situation of the team. These two having really good synergy also helps a lot. They usually prefer to play agressive champions that can get ahead even without the help of their team. This seems to be the bread and butter of Panda’s playstyle. Even if their top side falls behind early they will play well enough to stall the game so that others can catch up. This is by far their strongest lane and Panda plays according to it.